Core Extensions

Descriptions of the extensions that ship with ChartSQL Studio

Extensions are in development. They will allow you to customize the editor with additional functionality and third party tools.

Core Extensions are extensions that ship with ChartSQL Studio and are enabled by default. Core Extensions implement the basic functionality of the ChartSQL Studio editor. Core Extensions cannot be removed from the installation but they may be configured or disabled depending on the purposes of the extension.


The 'Examples' Core Extension adds a package of example charts to the main menu (the same examples in this documentation) so that you can experiment with basic charts.


The 'Present' Core Extension adds full screen presentation capabilities to ChartSQL Studio so that you can can hide the editor features when presenting charts to an audience.


The 'Publish' Core Extension adds chart publishing functionality to ChartSQL Studio so that you can share and make available their charts to others.


The 'SchemaBrowser' Core Extension Implements browsing a datasource schema within a package so that you can easily see the datasource tables and columns from within ChartSQL Studio.


The 'Story' Core Extensions implements slide deck functionality into ChartSQL Studio so that you can group particular charts together into a story that you can present to an audience.

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