
Organizing charts into pages

Dashboards are currently in development. Dashboard documentation is for feedback purposes.

Pages Overview

Pages allow you to group charts together so that you can easily review data from related charts in one spot. Grouping related charts together will make it easier for you to compare data and see impacts.

Page Edit Mode

To add/remove Pages, or to edit the charts on your Page, you need to enter Edit Mode by clicking the Edit Mode icon.

Renaming Page Name

While in Edit Mode, the Page Title will become editable. You can also edit the name of your Dashboard just above the Page Title.

Change Icon

While in Edit Mode, clicking on the Page Icon will allow you to select from a list of different icons to choose from.

Move Page

While in Edit Mode, to the right of all pages will be icons to move the Page left and right.

Trash Page

While in Edit Mode, you can trash your page to remove it from the list of pages.

Page Layout

Pages are made up of Sections, Rows, and Columns, that you can use to organize your Charts.


Sections allow you to sub group charts together into a sub topic that is related to the page. Sections are useful for more easily navigating a page with a lot of charts.


Rows contain Columns, which will contain your Charts. Add additional Rows to your Page in order to add additional Charts.


Within a Row, Columns lay out your charts from left to right.


Charts are added to a Column within a Row.

You can quickly organize your charts throughout a page by moving them with the chart organization functions.

Move up, down, left or right

Moving the Chart up, down, left or right will swap the chart with the chart that is in that position.

Move to another Page

You can select another page to move the chart to. The chart will be moved to the first open Column on the target page, or a new row and column will be created if one does not exist.

Swap/Move Chart

If you want to move the chart to a particular location, you can click the Move/Swap Chart button.

Swap/Move has three functions:

  • Swap Here: Swaps the chart with the target chat. Closes the swap.

  • Move & Continue Swap: Swaps the chart with the target chart, and keeps swap open.

  • Move & Replace Here: Moves the chart and replaces the chart at the target location.

Last updated


